Graced Health

For women who want simple and grace-filled ways to take care of herself and enjoy a little chocolate in the process. My name is Amy Connell. I'm a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach who wants you to know your movement, eating, and body DON'T have to be perfect ... you just need to be able to do what you're called to do. Join me for faith-filled conversations with about our WHOLE health - body, mind, and spirit. And by the way, there's no BMI index in the Bible, so leave your body image concerns at the door!

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Sept. 19, 2024

Practical Tips for Increasing Protein in Your Diet {Protein Part 4️⃣}

Send some quick feedback! Click here. I couldn't do an entire series on protein without sharing some of the practical ways I ensure I have enough protein in my diet. These prevent me from blankly staring at the refrigerator …
Sept. 17, 2024

Decoding Protein Needs: A Comprehensive Guide for Women in Peri-Menopause and Beyond {Protein Part 3️⃣}

Send some quick feedback! Click here. If you've been tuning in to this mini-series on protein, THIS is the episode you have probably been waiting for. Today I focus on the specific protein needs of women in peri-menopause an…
Sept. 13, 2024

🔒 Amy Uncut: Our evolving “emotional fitness”

Subscriber-only episode Send some quick feedback! Click here. Join The Stronger Collective Nourished Notes Newsletter Core Essentials: Episode 1 2 3 4 30+ Non-Gym Ways to Improve Your Health (free download) Connect with Amy:…
Sept. 12, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Protein Powders and Supplements {Protein Part 2️⃣}

Send some quick feedback! Click here. "What kind of protein powder is best?" I can't tell you how many times I've been asked that question. In this second episode of my four-part series on protein, I delve into the world of …
Sept. 10, 2024

"How much protein should I have?" {Part 1}

Send some quick feedback! Click here. Fourteen (yes, 1️⃣4️⃣) months ago, I saw on a Zoom call with our Graced Health + community and said I wanted to do an episode on protein. It took me this long to fully research the compl…
Sept. 3, 2024

Season 21 Intuitive Eating Wrap-Up and Highlights

Send some quick feedback! Click here. We've wrapped up another season! I hope you've enjoyed learning more about Christ-centered Intuitive Eating this past season as much as I have. If you've missed some, here is a recap wit…